
Schedule Changes

Friday 12 May

  • Friday 12 May | 9:00am: Every Flavor is a Story: Rinrin Marinka is no longer able to attend this session. She will be replaced by Helianti Hilman.
  • Friday 12 May | 10:30am Bali’s Waste Warriors: Gove DePuy and Wisakananda Pradipta are no longer able to attend this session.
  • Friday 12 May | 3:00pm: Bali’s Warung Wonderwomen: Bondan Winarno is no longer able to attend this session.

Saturday 13 May

  • Saturday 13 May | 1:00pm: Coffee Country: Ryo Limijaya is no longer able to attend this session.

Sunday 14 May

  • Sunday 14 May | 7:30pm: Closing Night Party: Please note changes to the live music schedule.