
Special Event | World’s 50 Best Bar Penicillin Takeover at Ambar

Start: 31 May 2024 | 18:00 - 22:00
Category: / Venue: Mandapa, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve. Jl. Raya Kedewatan, Banjar Kedewatan, Ubud (Google Maps)
Cost: IDR 220,000++ per Cocktail

Overlooking breath-taking Ayung valley in Kedewatan, Ambar, Ubud’s hottest new bar at Mandapa Ritz-Carlton Reserve, welcomes Hong Kong’s acclaimed mixologists and visionaries hailing from Indonesia, Agung and Laura Prabowo. They will join their lead bartender John Coronado to unveil the sustainability marvel of Penicillin. Ranked 26 in Asia’s 50 Best Bars 2023, Penicillin redefines mixology with its ‘closed-loop’ concept.

Cocktails are available for purchase, with prices listed per cocktail.

Menghadap Lembah Ayung yang menakjubkan di Kedewatan, Ambar, bar baru di Mandapa Ritz-Carlton Reserve di Ubud, akan menyambut mixologist terkenal Hong Kong yang berasal dari Indonesia, Agung dan Laura Prabowo. Mereka akan bergabung dengan bartender utama mereka John Coronado untuk mengungkap keajaiban keberlanjutan di balik Penicillin. Menempati peringkat ke-26 dalam Asia’s 50 Best Bars 2023, Penicillin mendefinisikan ulang mixology dengan konsep produksi tertutup.

Koktail tersedia untuk dibeli, dengan harga tercantum per koktail.


Laura Prabowo

Laura Prabowo is a professional Indonesian bartender who, in 2020, united her expertise with that of her husband, Agung Prabowo, to introduce PENICILLIN, Hong Kong’s first sustainability-concept bar, ranked 26 …

Agung Prabowo

Agung Prabowo is a professional Indonesian bartender who, alongside his wife Laura, leads Hong Kong’s first sustainability-concept bar, ranked 26 in Asia’s 50 Best Bars 2023. They champion a closed-loop …

John Coronado

John Coronado is the Assistant Bar Manager at Penicillin Bar, ranked 26th in Asia’s 50 Best Bars 2023. Hailing from the Philippines, John brings unique skills and experiences to his …