
Meilati Batubara

Meilati (Mei) Batubara is the Founder and Director of the NUSA Indonesian Gastronomy Foundation, where she actively engages with local food producers through the Meet the Maker initiative. Mei extensively travels across Indonesia, conducting research on Indonesian cuisine and collaborating closely with indigenous ethnic groups and artisan communities. Her remarkable contributions have earned her several accolades, including the British Council’s Young Creative Entrepreneur award in 2010. Under her guidance, NUSA Indonesia Gastronomy has been honored as the Best Fine Dining Restaurant in Indonesia for consecutive years, 2018 and 2019. Additionally, the restaurant has been lauded by the World Food Travel Association in 2019 for its exceptional utilization of local ingredients.

Meilati (Mei) Batubara adalah Pendiri dan Direktur NUSA Indonesia Gastronomy Foundation. Di sana, ia aktif berinteraksi dengan produsen makanan lokal melalui inisiatif Meet the Maker. Mei juga sering bepergian ke berbagai penjuru Indonesia untuk melakukan penelitian mengenai masakan Indonesia dan berkolaborasi erat dengan kelompok masyarakat adat dan komunitas pengrajin. Kontribusinya yang luar biasa telah membuahkan berbagai penghargaan, di antaranya adalah Young Creative Entrepreneur award dari British Council pada tahun 2010. Di bawah bimbingannya, NUSA Indonesia Gastronomy berhasil mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai Best Fine Dining Restaurant in Indonesia selama dua tahun berturut-turut, yaitu pada tahun 2018 dan 2019. Selain itu, restoran ini juga mendapatakan pujian dari World Food Travel Association pada tahun 2019 atas penggunaan bahan-bahan lokal yang luar biasa.

Appearing In

Food for Thought | Comfort Food Memoirs

Comfort food connects us to precious memories, evoking warmth and familiarity. It transcends cultural divides, reinforcing our culinary legacy and providing a universal source of nourishment that unites individuals. Our …

Teater Kuliner | Jakarta’s Street Food with Ragil Wibowo

Crave Jakarta’s Street Eats? Learn to Make Kerak Telor & Kue Cubit with Chef Ragil! In this interactive demo, you’ll learn the secrets to making two of the city’s most …

Food For Thought | Ubud and The Rise of Gastrotourism

Kicking off the Ubud Food Festival is a riveting discussion on the UNWTO’s plan to position Ubud as a leading global gastronomic destination. In collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism …