
Open Kitchen | Aged Duck with île Flotante with Nick Honeyman & Zennon Wijlens

Start: 01 Jun 2024 | 14:30 - 16:00
Category: / Venue: Mozaic. Jl. Raya Sanggingan, Kedewatan, Kecamatan Ubud, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali (Google Maps)
Cost: IDR 300,000++ BUY TICKET

Enter the Michelin-star world of gastronomy with a cooking class led by our two award-winning New Zealand chefs. Zennon Wijlens will reveal the art of crafting his renowned Aged Duck with Macadamia, Carrot, and Fermented Herbs, guiding you from ingredient selection to culinary finesse. Nick Honeyman will unveil the step-by-step secrets behind his dreamy, innovative creation, île Flotante infused with Bowmore Single Malt, Citrus, and Wild Strawberry. Elevate your cooking skills with these exceptional dishes and take home the recipes to recreate the magic in your own kitchen.

Bookings are subject to tax and service charges of 21% and include a platform fee per booking.

Masuk ke dunia gastronomi kelas Michelin melalui kelas memasak yang diampu oleh dua chef Selandia Baru pemenang penghargaan bergengsi. Zennon Wijlens akan mengungkap seni membuat bebek peram dengan macadamia, wortel, dan herbal hasil fermentasi miliknya yang terkenal, memandu Anda mulai dari pemilihan bahan hingga keterampilan di baliknya. Nick Honeyman akan mengungkap langkah demi langkah rahasia di balik kreasinya yang inovatif dan ciamik, île Flotante yang dilengkapi dengan Bowmore Single Malt, jeruk, dan stroberi liar. Tingkatkan keterampilan memasak Anda dan bawa pulang resepnya untuk menciptakan kembali keajaiban ini di dapur Anda.

Pemesanan dikenakan pajak dan biaya layanan sebesar 21% dan sudah termasuk biaya platform per pemesanan.


Zennon Wijlens

Zennon Wijlens, Co-Owner and Head Chef of Paris Butter in Auckland, is a culinary maestro who has propelled the restaurant to the forefront of Auckland’s dining scene alongside fellow chef …

Nick Honeyman

Nick Honeyman is the New Zealand Co-Owner at Paris Butter in Auckland, and Le Petit Léon in the south of France. Born and raised in South Africa, Nick’s ambition to …