
Food For Thought | Ubud and The Rise of Gastrotourism

Start: 01 Jun 2024 | 10:00 - 11:00
Category: Venue: Indus Restaurant. Jl Raya Sanggingan Ubud (Google Maps)
Cost: 1-Day Pass for IDR 150,000 | 3-Day Pass for IDR 300,000 BUY TICKET

Kicking off the Ubud Food Festival is a riveting discussion on the UNWTO’s plan to position Ubud as a leading global gastronomic destination. In collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, the initiative aims to elevate gastronomy tourism as a cornerstone of cultural and culinary heritage, fostering economic growth, job creation, and sustainable development. Deputy Minister for Marketing, Made Ayu Marthini, and Mei Batubara together with Janet DeNeefe delve into how Ubud is poised to transform the landscape of gastro-tourism on a global scale.

Akan menjadi pembuka Ubud Food Festival adalah diskusi menarik mengenai rencana UNWTO untuk memposisikan Ubud sebagai tujuan gastronomi global terdepan. Bekerja sama dengan Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, inisiatif ini bertujuan untuk mengangkat pariwisata gastronomi sebagai landasan warisan budaya dan kuliner, mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi, penciptaan lapangan kerja, dan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Wakil Menteri Pemasaran, Made Ayu Marthini, dan Mei Batubara bersama Janet DeNeefe akan mendalami bagaimana Ubud bersiap mengubah lanskap wisata gastronomi dalam skala global.


Janet DeNeefe

Melbourne-born Janet DeNeefe, Founder & Director of Ubud Food Festival and Ubud Writers & Readers Festival, has lived in Bali for more than three decades. Her latest book is Bali: Food …

Meilati Batubara

Meilati (Mei) Batubara is the Founder and Director of the NUSA Indonesian Gastronomy Foundation, where she actively engages with local food producers through the Meet the Maker initiative. Mei extensively …

Made Ayu Marthini

Ni Made Ayu Marthini is currently the Deputy Minister of Marketing at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Indonesia. Prior to her latest role, she was the Director …