
A Message from Janet DeNeefe: Supporting Local Community

Posted: 16 April 2020 Category: News

Greetings food lovers!

There is no doubt that our lives are changing almost daily in this challenging time. I can think of no other moment, in over 30 years of living in Bali, which has been so utterly devastating for tourism and the island’s survival.

The Ubud Food Festival team believes that, now more than ever, our role is to support, strengthen and assist our community as best we can. 

The Festival has always been a platform for local businesses to promote their products and, in the midst of this pandemic, they are all struggling to stay afloat. To offer support, we will be using our online platforms to share information about those that are still providing services, products or special deals, as well as stories from the field.

We also invite you to contact us here if you would like us to promote your business in Bali because we are all in this together.

In the meantime, we are cooking up something exciting and deliciously creative for Ubud Food Festival 2020. Make sure to keep an eye out for our next announcement. I can’t wait to share it with you.

But right now it’s important to #stayhome, #staysafe. We have weathered many storms together and I pray that we can safely, bravely reach the end of this together.

Until then, 

Janet DeNeefe, UFF Founder & Director