
A Message from Ubud Food Festival in Regards to the Postponement

Posted: 06 March 2020 Category: Blog

Dear Food Lovers,

Due to the current worldwide concern of Coronavirus (COVID-19), Yayasan Mudra Swari Saraswati as the organizer of the Ubud Food Festival 2020 has decided to postpone UFF until 26-28 June 2020. The safety and health of our Festival-goers, speakers, vendors, staff, volunteers and people of Ubud is our top priority.

As an important part of the Ubud community and Indonesia’s overall culinary scene, UFF has a responsibility to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and to ensure the community stays safe and healthy. With a large Festival gathering, we might not have the capacity to ensure this. With travelers now being advised not to travel to Bali, this is also jeopardizing our sustainability.

We are optimistic that by June, government and community efforts will have effectively prevented the spread of COVID-19. UFF can then present the long-awaited culinary Festival in a safe, comfortable and healthy way. Read the Official Statement from our Founder & Director, Janet DeNeefe here.

Please find information regarding the postponement below:

Ticket Buyers
For those who have bought a ticket, you will receive an official email from the UFF team about the refund process. We are giving our ticket buyers two options:
1. Get a full refund – the process will take 3-7 business days from your confirmation date.
2. Keep the amount as a deposit, and you can transfer the deposit for UFF20 in June.

We will close Volunteer Registration momentarily and registration will re-open as soon as possible. For those who have already filled out and sent their Volunteer Registration Form, your application will still be processed for UFF20 on 26-28 June. The UFF Volunteer Coordinator will send applicants an official email with more details.

Chefs and Speakers
On Wednesday, March 4th, the UFF Program team sent an official notice regarding the postponement. Chefs and speakers, international and national, have supported this decision and understand the reason behind the postponement. We will announce the chefs and speakers who will attend UFF20 in June, followed by the updated program.

The UFF Partnership team also sent an official notice to our partners regarding the postponement. If you want to learn more about UFF20 partners, please contact our UFF Partnership team directly.

We will close UFF20 Media Accreditation momentarily and registration will re-open as soon as possible. For journalists who have already filled out and sent their Media Accreditation, your application will still be processed for UFF20 on 26-28 June. The UFF Media team will send applicants an official email with more details.

For more information about UFF20 and FAQs in regard to this postponement, please go to our FAQs page. Stay tuned to our social media at @ubudfoodfestival. If you have any questions, send an email to – our team is ready to answer your query.

Thank you very much for your support and understanding about the UFF20 postponement and we’ll see you on 26-28 June 2020.