
#MariMakan winner announced!

Posted: 18 May 2015 Category: News

MARI MAKAN WINNER!From Papua to Padang, Solo to South Sulawesi, ‪#‎MariMakan‬ truly took us on a gastronomic tour of Indonesia. And without further ado, we’d like to reveal the overall winner of the competition as this one-of-a-kind shot and foodstuff, Papeda courtesy of Ingredients of Life.

“I’m a big fan of Papeda and this photo truly sums up its smooth as satin texture which is served with its famous fish soup partner. I love the way the description shows the connection to family and the importance ofpreserving traditional recipes,” commented our judge and Founder Janet DeNeefe, while Dade Akbar (Warteg Gourmet) summed it up saying it was an, “Authentic and unique Indonesian dish from the east, and a nice way to bring the traditional dish to the surface.”

Congratulations Ingredients of Life, who has won a double FoodLover Pass plus merchandise pack, hats off to the top 15, and a huge thank you to all who snapped, quipped and ate along with us. Mari Makan!

Dari #‎Padang‬, ‪#‎Papua, #‎Solo‬ hingga ‪#‎Sulawesi‬ Selatan, #MariMakan telah membawa kita tur gastronomi di Indonesia. Tanpa panjang lebar, kami ingin mengumumkan pemenang dari kompetisi ini yaitu foto dan hidangan unik Papeda milik Ingredients of Life.

“Saya penggemar berat sajian Papeda dan foto ini menyajikan tekstur sehalus satin dengan pasangan sup ikan yang terkenal. Deskripsi foto menjelaskan bagaimana makanan memiliki hubungan erat dengan keluarga dan pentingnya menjaga resep tersebut”, ujar juri dan pendiri festival Janet DeNeefe, sementara itu Dade Akbar (Warteg Gourmet) mengomentari “Sajian otentik dan unik dari Indonesia Timur, dan cara bagus untuk memperkenalkan makanan tradisional”

Selamat kepada Ingredients of Life, salut untuk 15 finalis, dan terima kasih banyak kepada yang sudah bergabung dan makan bersama kami. Mari Makan!