
Food for Thought | Death of the Cookbook? The Rise of Blogs and Food Influencers

Start: 02 Jun 2024 | 12:30 - 13:30
Category: Venue: Rumah Kayu at Taman Kuliner. Jl Raya Sanggingan Ubud (Google Maps)
Cost: 1-Day Pass for IDR 150,000 | 3-Day Pass for IDR 300,000 | Walk-In for IDR 50,000 BUY TICKET

The rise of food blogs and food influencers has shifted the culinary landscape, and online platforms have become the premier place for food information. Our panel discusses the increasing impact of food blogs and influencers on culinary trends, sparking the debate on the future of traditional cookbooks. What are the evolving dynamics between digital and traditional culinary resources, and is the death of the cookbook imminent?

Munculnya blog dan influencer makanan telah mengubah lanskap kuliner kita, platform online pun menjadi tempat utama untuk mendapatkan informasi makanan. Panel ini akan membahas dampak blog dan influencer makanan terhadap tren kuliner, memicu perdebatan tentang masa depan buku masak tradisional. Seperti apa dinamika yang berkembang antara sumber daya kuliner digital dan tradisional, dan apakah ‘kematian’ buku masak akan segera terjadi?


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