
Open Kitchen | Contemporary-Style Sauces for Your Home Pantry by ESA

Start: 31 May 2024 | 09:30 - 11:00
Category: / Venue: Mozaic Restaurant. Jl. Raya Sanggingan, Kedewatan, Kecamatan Ubud, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali
Cost: IDR 300,000++ BUY TICKET

Inspired by the rich, comforting flavors of home, ESA’s sauces are the soul of their cuisine. Now, you can master these tantalizing tastes in your own kitchen. Join our exclusive masterclass to discover the art of crafting restaurant-style sauces that will elevate any meal. Transform your pantry into a culinary treasure trove and bring the essence of ESA’s finest flavors to your table!

Bookings are subject to tax and service charges of 21% and include a platform fee per booking.

Terinspirasi oleh cita rasa rumah yang kaya dan menenangkan, saus adalah jiwa dari hidangan di ESA. Kini, Anda bisa menguasai cita rasa nan menggiurkan ini di dapur Anda sendiri. Bergabunglah dengan kelas master eksklusif kami untuk mempelajari seni membuat saus bergaya restoran yang akan meningkatkan kelezatan hidangan Anda. Ubah dapur Anda menjadi harta karun kuliner dan hadirkan cita rasa terbaik ESA ke meja Anda!

Pemesanan dikenakan pajak dan biaya layanan sebesar 21% dan sudah termasuk biaya platform per pemesanan.


Aditya Muskita

Aditya Muskita, an Indonesian chef and owner of ESA Restaurant in Jakarta, brings his expertise from renowned high-end restaurants in Ubud such as Mozaic and Room4Dessert, Daniel Boulud in Singapore, …

Kevindra Prianto Soemantri

Kevindra Prianto Soemantri, also known as Kevindra, is an Indonesia-based food writer, culinary observer, and author. He has contributed writings on food and restaurants to major publications such as The …