
Special Event | A Solo Exhibition by Yessiow with Gelato Rave at Titik Dua

Start: 24 May 2024 | 17:00 - 19:00
Category: Venue: Titik Dua. Jl. Cok Rai Pudak No.48, Peliatan, Ubud (Google Maps)
Cost: Free

Yessi Nur Mulianawati, also known as Yessiow, is a mural artist and illustrator from Bali, Indonesia. This year, she was chosen as the artist responding to the Ubud Food Festival 2024 theme ‘Take it to the Streets,’ a flavorful expedition across the streets of Indonesia and beyond.

Before the festival starts, immerse yourself in an exclusive art exhibition by Yessiow, showcasing her vibrant murals. Enjoy a special Gelato Secrets flavor created in collaboration with Wayan Kresna Yasa, available only during the Ubud Food Festival.

Join us for a Gelato Rave in the modern, terracotta-rich ambiance of the stunning contemporary hotel, Titik Dua. Dance under the starlit sky to tunes spun by DJ Ebes, while savoring our creamy-dreamy new gelato flavor at the opening.

Mark your calendar:

Friday, 24 May 2024

Exhibition date
24 May-12 June

This exhibition is a part of the Ubud Food Festival 2024 & Titik Dua program aimed at supporting artists in their creative pursuits and fostering collaboration.


Yessi Nur Mulianawati, yang juga dikenal sebagai Yessiow, adalah seorang seniman mural dan ilustrator asal Bali, Indonesia. Tahun ini, ia terpilih sebagai seniman yang merespons tema Ubud Food Festival 2024 ‘Take It to the Street,’ sebuah ekspedisi cita rasa melintasi jalanan Indonesia dan sekitarnya.

Sebelum festival dimulai, benamkan diri Anda dalam pameran seni karya Yessiow yang akan menampilkan mural-muralnya yang semarak dan penuh warna. Nikmati juga varian spesial Gelato Secrets yang dibuat atas kolaborasi dengan Wayan Kresna Yasa, yang hanya akan tersedia selama Ubud Food Festival.

Mari bergabung bersama kami, menikmati Gelato Rave dalam suasana modern dan kaya terakota di Titik Dua. Menarilah di bawah langit berbintang diiringi lagu yang diputar oleh DJ Ebes, sambil menikmati rasa gelato baru kami di pembukaan pameran.

Tandai kalender Anda:

Jumat, 24 Mei 2024

Tanggal pameran
24 Mei-12 Juni 2024

Pameran ini adalah bagian dari program Ubud Food Festival 2024 & Titik Dua untuk mendukung seniman dalam berkarya dan berkolaborasi.


Janet DeNeefe

Melbourne-born Janet DeNeefe, Founder & Director of Ubud Food Festival and Ubud Writers & Readers Festival, has lived in Bali for more than three decades. Her latest book is Bali: Food …


Yessi Nur Mulianawati, also known as Yessiow, is an illustrator and mural artist from Bali, Indonesia. Her fondness for arts sparked when she was 5, and she grew more and …