
Brigette Ibrahim

Brigette Ibrahim is the Co-chef and Owner of Tanau. Hailing from Batam, Riau Island, Brigette completed her bachelor’s program in culinary arts and business management in Malaysia. During her studies, she actively participated in the prestigious cooking competition FHM – Food & Hotel Malaysia, where she impressively secured second place in the meat and poultry category. Subsequently, she gained invaluable experience working alongside renowned professionals such as Chris Salans at Mozaic Ubud and the esteemed chef Nobu Matsuhisa at Nobu in Kuala Lumpur. Seeking further knowledge in the realm of nutrition, Brigette ventured to Sydney. Her expertise primarily lies in Asian cuisine, complemented by a firm grasp of the intricate utilization of spices.

Brigette Ibrahim adalah salah satu Chef & Pemilik Tanau. Berasal dari Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Brigette menyelesaikan program sarjananya di bidang seni kuliner dan manajemen bisnis di Malaysia. Selama masa studinya, ia aktif mengikuti kompetisi memasak bergengsi FHM – Food & Hotel Malaysia, di mana ia berhasil meraih juara kedua dalam kategori daging dan unggas. Selanjutnya, ia memperoleh pengalaman berharga bekerja bersama para profesional ternama seperti Chris Salans di Mozaic Ubud dan chef ternama Nobu Matsuhisa di Nobu di Kuala Lumpur. Mencari ilmu lebih jauh di bidang nutrisi, Brigette lalu berkelana ke Sydney. Keahlian Brigette utamanya terletak pada masakan Asia, dilengkapi dengan pemahaman yang kuat tentang penggunaan rempah-rempah nan rumit.

Appearing In

Food for Thought | Women on Top

Join us as we explore the evolving role of women in culinary leadership. Delving into challenges, triumphs, and opportunities, our speakers shed light on the good, the bad, and the …