
Zennon Wijlens

Zennon Wijlens, Co-Owner and Head Chef of Paris Butter in Auckland, is a culinary maestro who has propelled the restaurant to the forefront of Auckland’s dining scene alongside fellow chef and Co-Owner Nick Honeyman. Awarded the title of Cuisine NZ Chef of the Year for 2023/24, Zennon’s innovative approach to New Zealand cuisine brings familiar yet excitingly novel dishes to the table. With a menu offering courses that highlight the best of New Zealand’s produce, Zennon and his team work closely with top suppliers to ensure every ingredient is of the highest quality. Zennon’s passion for creating memorable dining experiences makes Paris Butter not just a restaurant but a destination for culinary innovation and excellence.

Supported by the Asia New Zealand Foundation Te Whītau Tūhono

Zennon Wijlens, salah satu pemilik dan Head Chef dari Paris Butter di Auckland, adalah seorang maestro kuliner yang telah mebawa restoran ini menjadi yang terdepan dalam lanskap kuliner Auckland bersama Nick Honeyman. Dianugerahi gelar Cuisine NZ Chef of the Year untuk tahun 2023/24, pendekatan inovatifnya terhadap masakan Selandia Baru berhasil menghadirkan hidangan yang familiar sekaligus baru dan menarik di lidah. Dengan menu berisi hidangan yang menampilkan produk-produk terbaik Selandia Baru, Zennon dan timnya bekerja sama dengan pemasok terkemuka untuk memastikan setiap bahan yang ia gunakan adalah yang terbaik. Semangat Zennon untuk menciptakan pengalaman bersantap yang berkesan menjadikan Paris Butter bukan hanya sebuah restoran tetapi juga destinasi untuk inovasi dan keunggulan kuliner.

Didukung oleh Asia New Zealand Foundation Te Whītau Tūhono

Appearing In

Special Event | A Night in Paris at Apéritif

Apéritif presents our two visionary chefs who are making culinary waves from France to New Zealand. Nick Honeyman, renowned for his mastery at the Michelin-starred Le Petit Léon nestled in …

Food for Thought | Kitchen Confidential

Achieving recognition for their exceptional talent and creativity brings chefs to the top of the culinary world. However, staying on top requires continuous innovation, dedication, and perseverance in the face …

Open Kitchen | Aged Duck with île Flotante with Nick Honeyman & Zennon Wijlens

Enter the Michelin-star world of gastronomy with a cooking class led by our two award-winning New Zealand chefs. Zennon Wijlens will reveal the art of crafting his renowned Aged Duck …