
UFF’s free events: what not to miss

Posted: 02 June 2015 Category: News

With over 40% of the UFF program completely free, there’s plenty for every budget from 5-7 June. Located at the Festival hub, Taman Bacar, our free events range from daily Yoga sessions to night market, food forums, film screenings, music, dancing and more. A few days out from the Festival’s launch, we chat to our Food Forum coordinator, Gustra, about what to expect from Taman Bacar. 

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Q. The largest part of the free UFF program (which makes up 40% of the Festival) is the food Forum series, in-depth, hour-long discussions with chefs and culinary artisans. What are your top recommendations for the Food Forums and why do you think they’ll be so enlightening?

A. Running each day across 5-7 June, Food Forums are your chance to hear from culinary experts as they share the secrets to their success. No need to buy a ticket, just bring yourself! We’re so excited to be presenting Sri Owen in her Food Forum, A love of Good Food. She published her first cookbook in 1976 and has come back to Bali especially for the Ubud Food Festival. We’ll also be bringing together some of Indonesia’s most celebrated foodies, such as Bondan Winarno in his session Everything is Enak. As a coffee lover, I can’t wait to meet the masterminds behind Seniman, Anomali and Mangsi Coffee in The Drip Feed, and also to hear all about the mythology of Indonesian food from culinary expert William Wongso in Once Upon a Table.

Dimulai dari tanggal 5 – 7 Juni dengan total 14 sesi bincang – bincang bersama para ahlinya, Food Forums menjadi salah satu bagian dari program UFF yang harus dikunjungi. Tidak perlu membeli tiket untuk datang ke acara ini dan itu sangat kere. Saya tidak sabar untuk bisa bertemu dengan Sri Owen dalam sesi A Love for Good Food, beliau adalah wanita Indonesia yang lahir sebelum perang dunia kedua, menerbitkan buku masak pertamanya pada tahun 1976 dan sekarang tinggal di London. Ada juga Bondan Winarno yang terkenal dengan kata khasnya “Maknyos” akan bicara di Everything is Enak. Yang paling menarik adalah bisa bertemu dengan tiga orang pencinta kopi yang ada dibalik kafe paling hits di Bali, Rodney Glick (Seniman Coffee), Irvan Helmi (Anomali Coffee), Mande Windu Segara Senet (Mangsi Coffee) dalam sesi The Drip Feed. Satu lagi yang tidak boleh dilewatkan adalah Once Upon a Table bersama ahlinya William Wongso yang sudah sangat sering muncul di TV.

Q. The UFF will also be hosting a Night Market, or Pasar Malam, on the Friday and Saturday nights. What kind of activities are planned for these free events?

A. Pasar Malam will be held at Ubud Food Festival’s central hub, Taman Bacar, which overlooks Campuhan valley. We’ll be screening free films including Filosofi Coffee and Tabula Rasa, and swaying together or ngibing with Balinese dancers Joged Bumbung. We’ve also got the legendary Nanoe Biroe, food styling tips from the legends of Instagram and the sounds of Ubud’s own reggae band, Griya Faria.

Dua hari pasar malam yang digelar dengan menghadap ke lembah Campuhan ini, selain dibanjiri makanan akan banyak dijumpai acara seru, seperti pemutaran film Filosofi Kopi dan Tabula Rasa, bergoyang ngibingbersama tarian pergaulan khas Bali Joged Bumbung,  dimeriahkan pula dengan musik – musik dari penyanyi legendaris Bali Nanoe Biroe, Unb’rocken Band, DJ, food styling oleh Warteg Gourmet, dan ditutup oleh band aliran reggae asli Ubud Griya Faria.

Q. For the early riser, are there any free sessions? 

A. If you need to work off the food from the day before, you can come down to Taman Bacar for our free yoga sessions, from 7-8am. Feel the fresh breeze off Campuhan ridge and greet the morning sun. For the organic food lovers, stop past our Sunday Farmer’s Market from 8:00 am – 11:00 am, where you can find a selection of the freshest produce, picked straight from Ubud’s gardens. Don’t be late, veggies are bound to sell out!

Khusus untuk tanggal 6 dan 7 Juni, sebelum atau sesudah makan banyak, kita butuh untuk meregangkan tubuh dengan mengikuti  sesi kelas yoga di Taman Baca dimulai dari 7:00 am-8:00 am. Dengan menghadap ke bukit Campuhan yang segar sambil menikmati hangatnya matahari pagi di Ubud, kelas yoga ini bisa diikuti oleh siapa saja. Hidup memang Indah! 

Untuk para pencinta bahan makanan organik dapat berbelanja di Sunday Farmer’s Market , 7 Juni di Taman Baca mulai dari jam 8:00 am – 11:00 am. Banyak aneka bahan makanan yang dibawa langsung dari kebun dan para petaninya sendiri. Jangan sampai kesiangan ya.

Q. Can you tell us a little bit more about the Taman Baca food stalls that will be serving up delicious plates over the course of the Festival? 

A. It’s not a Food Festival without a huge range of stalls to pick and chose from. From Balinese traditional snacks to traditional Tuak, you can sample a range of Indonesian and International dishes, then wander down to a free Food Forum to hear from the culinary greats themselves.

Pecinta makanan tidak akan bisa pergi dari Taman baca, karena banyak makanan akan berhamburan. Mulai dari kios  makanan dari restaurant ternama hingga jajanan pasar khas Bali yang bisa diicip-icip. Minuman khas Bali seperti Tuak juga dapat dijumpai disini. Pencinta makanan jepang dan India juga ada, apalagi para penggemar raw food.

Q. What free session are you most excited about? 

A. Personally, I can’t wait to hear from Ibu Sri Owen in our very first Food Forum series, A Love for Good Food. I’m also looking forward to an al fresco film screening of Filosopi Kopi at Taman Bacar, then dancing the night away with Joged Bumbung!

Sesi food forum hari pertama bersama Sri Owen: A Love for Good Food adalah yang paling saya tunggu. Lalu menonton film Filosofi Kopi hingga menari ngibing bersama Joged Bumbung, itu akan sangat menyenangkan.