
#UFF19 Sambal Series: Sambal Gami

Posted: 21 November 2018 Category: News

What is one thing that unites Indonesia’s diverse cuisines? Sambal. Have you ever wondered how many types there are? Researchers from Gadjah Mada University recently listed 322 different recipes. Fanning the flames of the Ubud Food Festival’s love of all things spicy, welcome to the weekly #UFF19 Sambal Series featuring our favorite types of sambal from across the archipelago. This week we bring you sambal gami from Bontang in East Kalimantan.

Sambal gami is a very spicy, unique sambal. While its ingredients aren’t unusual, it is unique because of it’s cooked in a clay mortar over coals, and then served on the hot mortar so it continues sizzling. You can see why it has been called ‘hotplate sambal’! Interested in trying your hand at sambal gami at home? Scroll down for the recipe!

Sambal Gami Recipe


5 red chilies (cabe keriting)
3 red bird’s eye chilies
4 shallot cloves, finely diced
3 tablespoons of cooking oil
1 red tomato, finely diced
Shrimp (optional)
Salt to taste


Prepare your clay mortar (cobek). Place all ingredients in the cobek, then heat on a small flame and stir until cooked thoroughly. If using shrimp, add them at the end of the cooking process so they remain tender. Remove from the flame and serve.