
#UFF19 Sambal Series: Sambal Kemiri

Posted: 21 November 2018 Category: News

What is one thing that unites Indonesia’s diverse cuisines? Sambal. Have you ever wondered how many types there are? Researchers from Gadjah Mada University recently listed 322 different recipes. Fanning the flames of the Ubud Food Festival’s love of all things spicy, this is our weekly #UFF19 Sambal Series featuring our favorite types of sambal from across the archipelago. This week we sample the creamy goodness of sambal kemiri.

Kemiri (candlenut) is native throughout the tropics, and features in Indonesian, Malaysian, Filipino and Hawaiian cuisine. In central Java sambal kemiri is used as a condiment for soto Lamongan, tahu campur, lontong balap and other broth-based dishes. Its creamy texture adds a delicious richness. If you’d like to make it at home, scroll down for the recipe!

Sambal Kemiri Recipe


7 red chilies (cabe keriting), boiled
5 red bird’s eye chilies, boiled
3 candlenuts, roasted
1 small red tomato, finely chopped
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of white vinegar
50 ml water


In a blender or mortar and pestle, grind all the ingredients until smooth. Add a spoonful to your favorite soto and enjoy!