
What to eat in… Surabaya

Posted: 01 March 2017 Category: News

In our #Whattoeatin culinary tour of Indonesia we’ve devoured a feast of delectable dishes, from babi panggang Karo in Medan to mantau sapi ladah hitam in Balikpapan. We’ve slurped mie tiaw in Pontianak and satisfied our sweet tooth with colenak in Bandung. The countless cuisines of Indonesia really are as diverse as the archipelago itself! For our final #Whattoeatin we asked for your suggestions, and we’ve selected semanggi Suroboyo, submitted by @indaharomatika:

“Try our local vegetable salad. Semanggi Suroboyo is a local salad from Surabaya. It’s a mix of steamed vegetables  semanggi and tauge (bean sprouts). It’s topped with taro and peanut sauce, and served with tempe and rice crackers.”

Congratulations @indahromatika! Stay tuned for our new #UFF17 series #WeirdandWacky launching next week, as we sample some of Indonesia’s unusual culinary offerings!